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Weekly Bookkeeping
Complete weekly record keeping jornal to assist in the documentation of revenue and expenditures as they pertain to business.
With the many concerns today´s small business owner in mind, Adams developed this series of record keeping journals. The weekly Bookeeping record has been carrefully designed to record business expenditures and maintain a running total of revenue and profits. A complete summary of each week´s business can be recorded ans updated on a simple two-page layout.
- Yearly Totals
- Space to bring cumulative weekly figures forward for a running year-to-date total on expenses, revenue and cost of goods sold.
- Gross Profit Calculator
- Designated space to determine gross weekly profit by totalling revenue less returns and cost of goods sold weely.
- Profit
- Pre-Tax profit determined by taking gross profit less total operating expenses.
- Daily Journal
- Entry área for daily recording of revenue and receipts.
- Payroll
- Total weekly and year to date gross wages paid and deductions taken.
Instructions for Weekly Bookkeeping Journal
- Record all expenditures made by cash or check.
- In the left-hand column, record al expenditures for merchandise and materials purchased for resale.
- In the right-hand column, record all other expenditures.
- At the end of the week , record the Merchandise and Materials weekly total in the first column under the Cost of Goods Sold heading “Week Total”.
- Record any inventory ajustments and freight costs, and sum to determine total “Cost o Goods Sold”.
- The expenses from the “Other Expenses” column should be summarized and recorded in the corresponding boxes in the “Week Total” column under “Operating Expenses” and “Non-Deductible Expenditures”. Then, sum the expenses in the “Total Expenses” and “Total Non-Deductible Expenditures” boxes.
- Add the amounts in the “Week Total” column to the amounts from the previous week´s “Year-to-Date” column and record the sum in the current week´s “Year-to-Date” column. (Note: This is not necessary during the first accounting period.)
- Record your daily total of revenue and recepits in the “Totals” column under the “Total Revenue & Receipts” category.
- You may record the year-to-date revenue for each day of the week by adding the previous week´s “Year-to-Date” amounts to the current week´s daily totals. This information can be useful to determine your cyclical patterns.
- Total your daily revenue and receipts in the box titled “Gross Revenue”, record the amount of returns for the week, and subtract these numbers to determine “Net Revenue”.
- Record and subtract “Cost of Goods Sold (C.O.G.S.)”, determined in the right-hand column, and post the “Gross Profit”.
- Finally, record and subtract “Total Expenses” to determine your “Pre-Tax Profit” for the week and year-to-date.
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